Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 3 Movies

It is extremely hard to choose only 3 of my favourite movies because I'am such a movie finatic. If I had to choose though, I would have to say they are...Armageddon, P.S. I Love You, and Enough. My reasoning for why I chose these movies are, they are all different genres, and they all have different meanings. Armageddon is a dramatic/tear-jerker movie, but it shows teamwork, love for one another, and what it is like to give your life for someone else. I can watch this movie over and over again, and cry everytime. Therefore, P.S I Love You is a movie that every girl would want to make their boyfriend watch. It is a extremely cute movie, although I dont want to give the movie away incase someone who is reading this, hasn't watched it yet, so maybe I should just stop here, and tell you to just go rent the movie, and have a box of kleenix right beside the couch. Lastly...Enough. Jennifer Lopez is the main actress in the film, and that pretty much explains everything. This movie is about a man who abuses his wife...and I think i like this movie so much because of the fact that I'am totally against this. Any sort of abuse should not be tolorated, and she reacts to this in an amazing way. This movie keeps you on your toes the whole time. I love it! This pretty much sums up my paragraph, and i reccommend that if you haven't saw these movies yet, what are you doing? Get on it!

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