Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dream Job

People now-a-days believe that it is important that you have to do some kind of schooling in order to get you dream job. I think that it depends in what you are interested in. If you are a talented person who can sing, or act than I don't believe that you have to go to school necessarily to do that sort of job. Although when some celebrities see other people trying to make it big on American Idol, or Canadian Idol, they think why do they get the easy way out. Some artists like Avril Lavigne, or Taylor Swift, any of those young BIG celebrities, who had worked their butts off to get to where they are today, than there are others who just go on some talent show, and make it big. I do believe though, that those people like Kalan Porter, and Kelly Clarkson, have a different type of fame, I believe that they are a little less respected than the people like Johnny Cash, because they DIDN'T have to work so hard. Although there are the people like Fantasia Burrino, who needed American Idol to get her through the difficult times with her and her baby. Now that she had won she made a movie, recorded a couple of C.D's and is doing well. The people who need it the most are the ones that I root for on those types of shows. Therefore, back to reality, I am going to have to put thousands of dollars into schooling to do what I have always dreamed of. I want to be a Child Psychologist. I am going to be attending Okanagan College here for 2 years to get my Associates of Arts Degree, than go to UBCO to get my Bachelors of Arts Degree in Psychology. I have wanted to do this since I was around the age of 12 when i watched the movie Gothika. Funny I know, but there is a psychologist in the movie, and her job seemed really interesting. Although I would not be interested in working with somebody who claims she has the devil in her - not my gig. I believe that it is important to be compassionate about your job, and I think you should love what you do. Anybody who doesn't like there job, makes everybody elses lives so much more miserable. I actually don't know anybody who likes their job besides my dad. He is a Truck Driver, and he is a work-a-holic, and he just destroyed his relationship with his family, so sometimes its not always for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, all the best in what you are planning to do. Also, do check out Avril Lavigne Bandaids. cheers!~
