Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mitch Albom- "Tuesdays With Morrie"

This is Mitch Albom. He is the author who wrote the novel "Tuesdays With Morrie". Mitch Albom is actually featured in the novel as one of the main characters. Mitch's original goal in life was to be a musician, but while he was living in New York, he discovered that he was interested in jounalism. To help pay for his tuition at his University, he worked with a sports magazine, and played the piano at some of the night clubs. Mitch began to be interested in sports writing while he was working with the sports magazine.A couple years later Mitch's breakthrough novel was "Tuesdays With Morrie". Nobody actually wanted to publish this book, until Doubleday ( a publishing company ) fulfilled Mitch's wishes and published the book, and this helped pay off Mitch's tuition fees. "Tuesdays with Morrie" slowly climbed to number one after 6 months, and now there is going to be a movie based on this book. It should be a good one, if its anything like the book.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Tuesdays With Morrie" Synthesising "The Human Touch"

"The Human Touch"
'Tis the human touch in this world that counts,
The touch of your hand and mine,
Which means far more to the fainting heart
Than shelter and breand and wine;
For shelter is gone when the night is o'er,
And bread lasts only a day,
But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice
Sing on in the soul alway.
Both the poem "The Human Touch" written by Spencer Michael Free, and the novel "Tuesdays With Morrie" written by Mitch Albom, both tend to deal with the impact people can make on others. Spencer Michael Free emphasis's " 'Tis the human touch in this world that counts, The touch of your hand and mine..." In the novel "Tuesdays With Morrie", Morrie is a very remarkable person. Everyone who meets Morrie, can't help but be touched by him. Once Morrie had passed away, he left his legacy behind. Anyone who knew Morrie will remember him for who he was, and what he had done. Morrie was never anyone but himself. He was a very compassionate person.
When Morrie was growing up he was living a devastating hard life, which is hard to believe considering how is personality is now. Morrie grew up with a single father, because his mother passed away at a young age, and his family was very poor, and having to work extremely hard, and get only little pay. While in "The Human Touch" poem, Spencer highlights " Which means far more to the fainting heart, than shelter bread and wine..." This is explaining the fact that even though Morrie has gone through all of this misery in his youth, he still is a giving person, more than a taking one. He has always gives more than takes, and this is what he is trying to tell Mitch throughout the whole book. You don't need the newest blackberry, or a huge mansion, for everyone to love you. It is the person you are everyone falls in love with. Morrie has none of those things, and he is loved by everyone he meets.
At the end of the novel "Tuesdays With Morrie", Morrie finally gets to Mitch's heart and gets Mitch to start making some changes in his life. For a example, after Morrie had died, Mitch picks up the phone and calls his brother that he hasn't talked to in ages. Mitch and his brother had become very distant after his brother was diagnosed with cancer, and moved to Spain. Morrie had touched Mitch the first day they met in University, but Morrie had grabbed Mitch's' soul when they got back in touch again. Spencer Michael Free discusses " But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice, Sing on in the soul alway". Comparing this quote to the novel basically describes everything that Morrie had done for Mitch. Mitch had grabbed Morrie's' hand and Morrie had guided Mitch back into the right direction. Morrie's' soul still remains here.

Friday, May 1, 2009

One Tree Hill Review

One Tree Hill is a telvision series that is on every Monday night on the TLC network. It is 6 seasons in, and every season has something more to give. Now One Tree Hill isn't one of those shows like The Hills, or The O.C, where everyone is sleeping with everyone, and everyone is crying because their daddy took away their 90.000 dollar car, it is more than that. This show is a relateable, heart-warming, series that keeps you hooked on every episode. It deals with issues like love, death, family, and friends. The main characters of the show are Lucas Scott, who is played my Chad Michael Murrey who you may also know from the movie House of Wax, or the new Freaky Friday. He is a highschool student who lives with his mom, and his best friend is Haley James, who is played by Bethany Joy Galeotti. Than there is Brooke Davis who in the beginning has a crush on Lucas Scott. Brooke Davis is played by Sophia Bush, who you may also know from the House of Wax Film, or the 2008 movie The Hitcher. Brooke Davis is best friends with Peyton Sawyer who is played by Hilarie Burton. Hilarie Burton has made her debut on One Tree Hill and she is doing fantastic. All of these people are what makes the show so great. They are all phenomonal at what they do, and every emotion that they feel you can't help but feel the same way. One Tree Hill isn't just great because of the great acting, and great topics. The show also has an awesome soundtrack. The soundtrack includes people like Gavin Degraw, Jimmy Eat World, Dashboard Confessional, and Sarah Mclachlan. The show has won many awards on thins like The Teen Choice Awards, and MTV Music Awards. Even after 6 seasons the show is still going strong, and it still contains all of the same people in it. There isn't even really a bad thing about this show, besides the fact that it only plays once a week, and when a season ends it is off for more than a few months. Overall if you haven't seen the show, or watched a whole season you are truly missing out. Next monday flick the channel to 61 and see what you think of it. You won't be dissapointed.